How to survive in 2024

Written by a anxious multitasker. Disclaimer - it is not proofread yet, it may have some typos, etc.

Let's do a speed run first:

Multiple events, majority unfavorable.

Side effects - distancing, burnouts, loneliness, realization that we can do several things remotely if done from home, working from home was a dream that came true and some got disappointed.

Things we wish have strenght and weight until we achieve them, how to balance the ever growing need of a unlimited progress and development?

I don't know, I am trying to figure it out too. Who knows maybe in 2024 I will figure it out, maybe my mentor will finally share the wisdom.

Anxiety is a feeling of fear, dread, and uneasiness. My thoughts revolve around the proximity of anxiety. Is it fueled by a rational fear or irrational? If you had experiences in which the fear was rational could it fuel anxiety further or not?

Wrong, wrong, wrong…

In the past 3 year period, biggest minds, institutions made various assumptions, majority of them were pessimistic, rational in a way that it makes sense to workout like that. Majority of assumptions & predictions were wrong.

Crypto is dead, freight industry will crumble, life won't ever return to as it was before 2020. Humans have a tendency to make pessimistic assumptions more than optimistic ones (in my opinion). If your prediction is pessimistic and you are in the wrong, we could say you are a precautious individual. If we make optimistic predictions which don't work out, we'll you are a naive individual.

S&P500 is at all time high, inflation somehow is kinda low in terms of %, yet I don't see wealth, prosperity, etc., it's the other way around.

Make economy great again. pls.

Alot has changed in the past year, 5,10,20 etc. We now have AI's, race to an even more complex and accurate generative AI's. People are making bets and winning fortunes with the new tech. It is easier than ever to make a big hit (kinda), tails (represents the rare events or extreme market movements that lie beyond the realm of normal distribution) seem to happen more often. Is it because it is easier than ever to push things, products and services faster than ever. Trials and errors seem to work out as a pitstop in formula 1, exponential development.

You know what didn't change? Bankruptcy. Bankruptcy kinda stayed the same, you can lose everything in a matter of seconds, minutes, hours, days.

What if we could reverse engineer bankruptcy into a mechanism, that provides prosperity & success?

Predictions and why we always make wrong assumptions?

There are a ton of factors that play around simultaneously, they sometimes create beautiful music, sometimes not.

Multitasking do/don’t

Multitasking - remote work & opportunities. To some it was a new thing, for other it is the way of life/work/disbalance. In my case it is a 10+ years survival mechanism. Multitask is more of a energy distribution than a legit multi-tasking.

Imagine a 10mbs wifi router which is being used by 50 people simultaneously. For it to manage that, it needs to have set of rules, guides and limits. There needs to exist a hierarchy which favors the main users, activities, etc.

In a theory and in practice if done right it can work out.

Limiting ourselves, coding our brains in a way which helps us make the most out our advantages and disadvantages is a useful thing.

Suggestion & proposal for the mentioned:

Make a pool of activities, priorities & deadlines, sort it out in a way that you can successfully balance and execute.

Finance and the intriguing fact about it:

There are individuals sought to be the best of the best, when it comes to finance. They had the best education, best starting position & yet some were awful at it.

Finance is kinda the weirdest, most important and always present thing in our lives which the odds are weirdly distributed. In the world of finance, a janitor can outperform a hedge fund.

Buy high sell low. Finance is a highly reliant emotional thing, that's why we see random things occur on daily basis and that’s why wallstreetbets made chaos with gambling beautiful degenerates in the stock market.

Meet Ronald Read:

If you managed to read through and got to this point, first of all, thank you for your time and patience!

Is this the end of this mumbling? Maybe, maybe not. There’s a bonus!

As a bonus I will add an idea for infinite dystopian money printer idea about the future of AI

Can you imagine a state of AI, where you are paying a subscription for it.

You are in a rush and in need for AI's assistance.

You type in your prompt and wait.

In the background the AI goes through your prompt and something is off:

Your writing style is a bit chaotic

You have made 2 mistakes you don't usually make

Your narrative suggests you are in a need for a swift reply

Machine learning steps in, it determines based on 5 million similar prompts that day, that you as a user is in a hurry, based on the weight of your requests the model understands it is job related. It is a Friday, 4 pm (based on your previous use, AI knows you work in a office until 4).

You are waiting, let's say 10 seconds for it to start generating, you are tired and just want to go home.

You get a reply, which says sorry we ran into an issue, try again, you click it right away.

System based on your swift action gets a confirmation you are in a hurry, vulnerable.

Your second try ends up with information - We are currently experiencing a extreme traffic, please try again later.


A) User goes for turning of the app/browser - provide him with new message - try again.

B) User tries on his own to generate a prompt - print - same message and offer $0.40 cents to push the user in a high priority - if yes, generate prompt

C) if the user doesn't tip/pay AI, waste 3,4 minutes of his time successfully and try again some other chance.

Your thoughts?

This maybe is a first of many or not blog posts that I may or not write in 2024. Decisions behind the upcoming ones will most likely be as random as for this one.