Toxic culture, gaming, work life balance and why you should think about playing games as a spiritual trial. 

Learn from mistakes of people who take your advice.

Intro - Competitive gaming as a way to evaluate your team/candidates:

A while ago I shared a post on Linkedin ranting about how Counter Strike could be a great way to evaluate your co-workers, teams & overall dynamics.

General approach and idea is simple: Organize your coworkers to play a competitive game againts each other in teams.

You could in theory determine with ease who has the potential to become a team leader, who is the ice breaker, etc. Gaming gets the best and worst things out of people. One thing for sure is character, logic, competitiveness can be copy/paste from life to games and other way around (In theory).

Is it a good way for real to evaluate, examine, etc.?
Dunno, you have to try it your self, if you do please let me know so I could learn from your mistakes.

We have manners that are related to our culture, family & overall dynamic.

Multiple factors play an important role how we behave, react & digest different various events.

There are apps, programs & games with active users and players globally. They managed to gain global users either by:
- Luck
- Thorough research & planning
- Luck x10

Poormans strategies are good in some cases because we tend to squeeze out data, knowledge and strategies based on others mistakes, investments & time invested.

Low effort gaming categories breakdown

Types of games:

  • RPG


  • MOBA

  • FPS

  • PVE

  • PVP

If you think I missed a important category you can add it in the form at the end of the blog, I will add the mentioned.

This theory sucks because there are some individuals who do not play or care about games. I have no clue about the quantity or the % of the mentioned group but I believe that they do exist and are real humans.

The gaming I'm talking/thinking about

Games that consist of teams & revolve around limited time scaling and outcome.
Usually two teams competing against each other, matched by a system based on their performance and behaviors. 

Majority of games rely on matching players based on their skills, efficiency, performance and behavior score. 

Skills, efficiency & performance are evaluated by system and score. 

Behavior is evaluated by a human feedback or reports. 

Behavior score is present in every skill bracket while skill bracket or rank is locked in sections. 

You can be toxic player in every skill bracket. 

How to get reported in games?

A honest and bulletproof guide, it always works.

1) Sabotage your team, 2) Toxic communication , 3) Waste time.
What happens when you get marked as a toxic Pokémon? You get trapped in a ball & matched with fellow toxic comrades. As time passes by your agony goes into a different dimensions.

How did you end up in toxic limbo? Maybe because you are simply toxic, maybe you had a bad day or few. Maybe you followed this guide.

So, it is a chain of repetitive events that are usually fueled by a totally different aspect of our lives far from our match we are currently in.

There’s a research that proves that the ice age happened over time by repetitive events: Snow falls, snow doesn’t melt, snow ads up, repeat.

Consistency is a powerful energy.

Life Work *grownup Balance:

It is hard to balance, no one said ever it is easy. That’s the beauty I guess. 

Life is a simple math, you can add or deduct positive or negative things. If we think of them as values 1 and scale goes from - negative to + positive and let's say

Gaming 1+

Life 1+

Work 1+

You got a flying colors!

Bare in mind that my character and personality revolves around visual, logic, calculations with strong tendency to make the right hypothesis for the upcoming events. To some this section will look stupid AF and that’s okay.

Point of the blog?

That’s a individual thing. If you had some, you could leave your feedback.

I believe at a begging of a day we have two options :

Make the most out of the day even if all of the things ain't going great 


Fuck around and find out.

Bonus story: I got my car towed yesterday, when I went to pick it up I met 10ish people with the same fate. All of them had the same mindset, energy when things go bad, things go even worse. A guy had his cash getting carried away on the parking lot, he was chasing notes were running. He ended up losing some of the cash (50ish cents).

If you managed to read through and got to this point, first of all, thank you for your time and patience!

Your thoughts?

This maybe is a first of many or not blog posts that I may or not write in 2024. Decisions behind the upcoming ones will most likely be as random as for this one.